Bremen Universum
I particularly enjoyed the sensory exhibits. The one where you took your hands and rubbed them backwards and forwards across the grid was interesting. Your supposed to only feel contact where your hands touch the grids but your brain tricks you and adds feeling in between causing your hand to feel slippery and velvety.
I also participated in the sensory exhibits, particularly in the grid one you mentioned. I think it was kind of cool to seeing one thing but feeling something different. I could see my hands going over the grid, but they felt smooth except for when I touched a knot. I wonder if this sensation would change if a different material was used to make the grid. The material they used in the exhibit seemed to be similar to fishing line. I wonder if they used yarn, would it feel the same?
I enjoyed the sensory exhibits. It reminds me of similar experiments we did in psychology that involved the brain tricking the body into reactions.
I missed this exhibit but it sounds super interesting! The brain is super cool and I love how it reacts to create different senses.
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